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Children and Teen Counseling

Help Your Child Figure Out Who They Are

It’s Hard To Watch Them Struggle


It can be so much fun watching your little ones grow up, but growing up can also come with struggles. 


Your child may start to struggle with school, friends, family, and trying to figure out what their place is in this world!


Some children may become destructive and unpredictable, and some children may become withdrawn and quiet. It can feel like your pride and joy is slipping away from you.

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Understanding Their Emotions


As their parent you will want to guide them with your experience, but they may struggle to let you in. This can be frustrating and may make you feel like you don’t know how else to help. Children don't always understand their own emotions let alone how to handle them, which can make their behavior worsen as well. 


You can seek advice from friends, family, and even the internet but if you are here, then that hasn't been enough. This is where counseling services for teens and children can come in!

The father is smiling warmly and lovingly at his daughter, while the daughter looks content and secure by her father's side.

Helping You, Help Them


CLEAR Counseling is here to provide the space that your child needs to feel understood, and to understand themselves.


We can help you and your child learn how to work through the hard stuff in ways that work for the both of you! 


Contact us today and let them learn how to help themselves.


Applying Sunscreen

Help Them Learn To Help Themselves

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